Corporate wellbeing and yoga go hand in hand. You can give your workforce a boost and have happier and healthier members of staff by using yoga.
Long hours, commuting, sitting at a desk for long periods, poor sitting postures, irregular eating habits, constant deadlines and a poor work life balance can all contribute to a stressed and inefficient workforce. Mindful practices such as yoga are an ideal way to optimise performance and resilience at work as well as boosting energy levels, managing and lowering stress levels, soothing those desk bound aches and pains and enhancing employee wellbeing and creativity leading to a happier and healthier workforce.
Yoga Classes can be scheduled early morning or during a lunch- break to give an energetic boost to the day, or after work to help employees unwind after a challenging day at work. Corporate yoga enables employees to reap the plentiful benefits of yoga without having to even leave the office.
Classes can be tailored to suit your company and your employees. One off classes and events can also be arranged for staff wellness days and seminars, mindfulness practices at away days or conferences are also easy to weave into the schedule.
Cost depends on your yoga requirements, location, number of students, among other factors but sessions start from just £10 per employee. Prices are available on request for intermittent, bespoke, one-off or individually tailored sessions.